EM Enterprises is a certified reseller, integrator and trainer of DD/NaturallySpeaking voice recognition programs. With over five years experience of integrating DD/NaturallySpeaking into a variety of environments. We can help you assess your needs for voice recognition technology and help you gain a better understanding on how to implement and use it.
Our experience in voice recognition technology for business professionals as well as the legal and medical profession is broad ranging. Having the right system is crucial, we consult with individuals and companies on selection of systems to meet individual needs and capabilities. We work directly with users to identify their needs and usage for voice recognition technology as well as MIS professionals to incorporate DD/NaturallySpeaking into existing systems and create voice driven applications.
We work with state and local agencies along with employers to assist in the development of ADA compliant workstations and environments. We consult with people with disabilities to evaluate product capabilities in conjunction with their needs. We install appropriate products which increase independence and accessibility to both their computers and immediate environment.
Many school systems are looking at technologies to assist their students and their varying needs. We work with educators, parents, consultants and students in assessing their needs and technologies which can help attain their educational goals. We work directly with students and educators and train them how to use the software which is most appropriate for their learning disability. Please review our partial client list. |